www.conrad-miller-band.de conrad-miller-band.de

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Aug-2024 06:25 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 543096
Total Files 443352
Total Pages 511922
Total Visits 22460
Total kB Files 13363512
Total Unique Sites 7045
Total Unique URLs 7615
Total Unique Referrers 2183
Total Unique User Agents 132
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 729 7658
Hits per Day 17519 29576
Files per Day 14301 28009
Pages per Day 16513 28769
Sites per Day 227 904
Visits per Day 724 1181
kB Files per Day 431081 770836
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 81.63% 443352
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 1
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 17.19% 93379
Code 302 - Found 0.02% 117
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.08% 417
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 40
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 23
Code 404 - Not Found 1.00% 5458
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 37
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 13
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.05% 258

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 13492 2.48% 12305 2.78% 13020 2.54% 383 1.71% 274 3.89% 178784 1.34%
2 5511 1.01% 3971 0.90% 5107 1.00% 506 2.25% 352 5.00% 91631 0.69%
3 8996 1.66% 6577 1.48% 8537 1.67% 636 2.83% 480 6.81% 193486 1.45%
4 9762 1.80% 7096 1.60% 8925 1.74% 661 2.94% 518 7.35% 239564 1.79%
5 6392 1.18% 3907 0.88% 5590 1.09% 497 2.21% 347 4.93% 191429 1.43%
6 7893 1.45% 4512 1.02% 7423 1.45% 470 2.09% 349 4.95% 322019 2.41%
7 13454 2.48% 8655 1.95% 12858 2.51% 573 2.55% 434 6.16% 393801 2.95%
8 23995 4.42% 20263 4.57% 23459 4.58% 629 2.80% 484 6.87% 468064 3.50%
9 25299 4.66% 20517 4.63% 24607 4.81% 978 4.35% 599 8.50% 528791 3.96%
10 20177 3.72% 17419 3.93% 19052 3.72% 776 3.46% 572 8.12% 528266 3.95%
11 19111 3.52% 16274 3.67% 18382 3.59% 936 4.17% 738 10.48% 434685 3.25%
12 23257 4.28% 20173 4.55% 21594 4.22% 922 4.11% 904 12.83% 697656 5.22%
13 23043 4.24% 19867 4.48% 19479 3.81% 826 3.68% 792 11.24% 770836 5.77%
14 24645 4.54% 20746 4.68% 23755 4.64% 844 3.76% 522 7.41% 613375 4.59%
15 24343 4.48% 19251 4.34% 23494 4.59% 613 2.73% 378 5.37% 597827 4.47%
16 22701 4.18% 18913 4.27% 21322 4.17% 751 3.34% 535 7.59% 596981 4.47%
17 22885 4.21% 18444 4.16% 21859 4.27% 950 4.23% 544 7.72% 602486 4.51%
18 22247 4.10% 18424 4.16% 21703 4.24% 1181 5.26% 774 10.99% 515293 3.86%
19 22346 4.11% 18414 4.15% 21434 4.19% 787 3.50% 553 7.85% 539617 4.04%
20 23312 4.29% 18717 4.22% 22308 4.36% 825 3.67% 581 8.25% 610539 4.57%
21 19121 3.52% 15780 3.56% 18514 3.62% 763 3.40% 543 7.71% 512430 3.83%
22 19257 3.55% 15738 3.55% 18575 3.63% 799 3.56% 561 7.96% 528096 3.95%
23 21922 4.04% 18459 4.16% 20786 4.06% 859 3.82% 618 8.77% 524668 3.93%
24 19370 3.57% 15403 3.47% 18965 3.70% 465 2.07% 412 5.85% 471463 3.53%
25 17284 3.18% 14776 3.33% 16465 3.22% 380 1.69% 350 4.97% 422812 3.16%
26 17006 3.13% 14557 3.28% 16182 3.16% 519 2.31% 394 5.59% 363390 2.72%
27 29576 5.45% 28009 6.32% 28769 5.62% 1052 4.68% 727 10.32% 322302 2.41%
28 11822 2.18% 9109 2.05% 10406 2.03% 641 2.85% 529 7.51% 213382 1.60%
29 6830 1.26% 4669 1.05% 3830 0.75% 695 3.09% 563 7.99% 327617 2.45%
30 8275 1.52% 5204 1.17% 6774 1.32% 820 3.65% 719 10.21% 326989 2.45%
31 9772 1.80% 7203 1.62% 8748 1.71% 964 4.29% 782 11.10% 235234 1.76%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 834 25857 4.76% 674 20921 4.72% 768 23834 4.66% 21822 676485 5.06%
1 707 21946 4.04% 572 17743 4.00% 647 20086 3.92% 19304 598430 4.48%
2 679 21073 3.88% 552 17131 3.86% 636 19728 3.85% 19288 597913 4.47%
3 701 21747 4.00% 569 17660 3.98% 648 20095 3.93% 18684 579195 4.33%
4 831 25770 4.75% 704 21845 4.93% 806 25006 4.88% 19088 591737 4.43%
5 905 28077 5.17% 765 23736 5.35% 872 27046 5.28% 19099 592079 4.43%
6 669 20753 3.82% 533 16551 3.73% 636 19730 3.85% 17290 535982 4.01%
7 768 23836 4.39% 637 19758 4.46% 722 22383 4.37% 17938 556087 4.16%
8 729 22611 4.16% 579 17957 4.05% 683 21188 4.14% 19076 591367 4.43%
9 875 27138 5.00% 743 23062 5.20% 838 25992 5.08% 17750 550238 4.12%
10 888 27542 5.07% 735 22791 5.14% 839 26011 5.08% 19427 602239 4.51%
11 634 19683 3.62% 511 15860 3.58% 587 18209 3.56% 18024 558731 4.18%
12 643 19941 3.67% 514 15949 3.60% 594 18425 3.60% 18190 563879 4.22%
13 725 22489 4.14% 574 17803 4.02% 694 21541 4.21% 16740 518947 3.88%
14 666 20654 3.80% 547 16982 3.83% 631 19564 3.82% 16743 519036 3.88%
15 650 20162 3.71% 531 16463 3.71% 612 19000 3.71% 16074 498281 3.73%
16 655 20317 3.74% 528 16377 3.69% 622 19296 3.77% 16120 499720 3.74%
17 719 22295 4.11% 601 18657 4.21% 676 20960 4.09% 17173 532367 3.98%
18 664 20598 3.79% 540 16764 3.78% 628 19487 3.81% 16656 516333 3.86%
19 692 21469 3.95% 568 17636 3.98% 664 20591 4.02% 15437 478562 3.58%
20 686 21275 3.92% 540 16748 3.78% 649 20131 3.93% 16205 502366 3.76%
21 798 24761 4.56% 629 19522 4.40% 756 23449 4.58% 16458 510208 3.82%
22 694 21529 3.96% 562 17427 3.93% 644 19986 3.90% 18507 573708 4.29%
23 695 21573 3.97% 580 18009 4.06% 651 20184 3.94% 19988 619622 4.64%

Top 30 of 7615 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 218126 40.16% 3067186 22.95% /
2 64877 11.95% 247341 1.85% /xmlrpc.php
3 38995 7.18% 140795 1.05% /wp-cron.php
4 25325 4.66% 2603930 19.49% /webalizer/usage_202407.html
5 15575 2.87% 1793834 13.42% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
6 15574 2.87% 2290172 17.14% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
7 6550 1.21% 59088 0.44% /wp-login.php
8 6295 1.16% 731694 5.48% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
9 4074 0.75% 54304 0.41% /webalizer/
10 2840 0.52% 48576 0.36% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/timthumb.php
11 2635 0.49% 9946 0.07% /robots.txt
12 1422 0.26% 60117 0.45% /kontakt/
13 1054 0.19% 63395 0.47% /blog/
14 827 0.15% 3284 0.02% /wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
15 730 0.13% 3454 0.03% /feed/
16 728 0.13% 41339 0.31% /author/admin/
17 634 0.12% 2624 0.02% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/superfish/superfish.js
18 603 0.11% 37262 0.28% /blog/page/2/
19 602 0.11% 37117 0.28% /blog/page/3/
20 535 0.10% 25240 0.19% /lange-nacht-der-kneipen/
21 452 0.08% 425 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/image-captcha/assets/image-captcha.js
22 432 0.08% 536 0.00% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/superfish/supersubs.js
23 430 0.08% 16850 0.13% /wp-content/plugins/gdpr-cookie-compliance/dist/scripts/main.js
24 430 0.08% 848 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/nice-login-register-widget/js/ajax-authentication.js
25 349 0.06% 6125 0.05% /wp-content/plugins/wp-cycle/jquery.cycle.all.min.js
26 335 0.06% 633 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/nice-login-register-widget/js/pw-login-widget.js
27 245 0.05% 9014 0.07% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js
28 242 0.04% 1331 0.01% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
29 235 0.04% 1124 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/js/scripts.js
30 228 0.04% 2048 0.02% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/prettyPhoto/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js

Top 10 of 7615 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 218126 40.16% 3067186 22.95% /
2 25325 4.66% 2603930 19.49% /webalizer/usage_202407.html
3 15574 2.87% 2290172 17.14% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
4 15575 2.87% 1793834 13.42% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
5 6295 1.16% 731694 5.48% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
6 64877 11.95% 247341 1.85% /xmlrpc.php
7 38995 7.18% 140795 1.05% /wp-cron.php
8 21 0.00% 92994 0.70% /wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pressetext-CMB-1.pdf
9 1054 0.19% 63395 0.47% /blog/
10 1422 0.26% 60117 0.45% /kontakt/

Top 10 of 1479 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6550 1.21% 4182 19.38% /wp-login.php
2 64877 11.95% 2799 12.97% /xmlrpc.php
3 218126 40.16% 2331 10.80% /
4 2840 0.52% 1581 7.33% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/timthumb.php
5 730 0.13% 1153 5.34% /feed/
6 4074 0.75% 1052 4.88% /webalizer/
7 1422 0.26% 445 2.06% /kontakt/
8 535 0.10% 363 1.68% /lange-nacht-der-kneipen/
9 1054 0.19% 94 0.44% /blog/
10 15575 2.87% 67 0.31% /webalizer/usage_202405.html

Top 10 of 1487 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6550 1.21% 4243 19.69% /wp-login.php
2 64877 11.95% 2860 13.27% /xmlrpc.php
3 218126 40.16% 1796 8.33% /
4 2840 0.52% 1634 7.58% /wp-content/themes/freelancer/scripts/timthumb.php
5 730 0.13% 1154 5.35% /feed/
6 4074 0.75% 1026 4.76% /webalizer/
7 1422 0.26% 783 3.63% /kontakt/
8 728 0.13% 356 1.65% /author/admin/
9 1054 0.19% 114 0.53% /blog/
10 118 0.02% 67 0.31% /die-band/

Top 30 of 7045 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 215772 39.73% 215772 48.67% 2986777 22.35% 183 0.81%
2 42196 7.77% 25318 5.71% 2613184 19.55% 2 0.01%
3 39041 7.19% 39041 8.81% 141731 1.06% 25 0.11%
4 24620 4.53% 12312 2.78% 1621727 12.14% 50 0.22%
5 12810 2.36% 12806 2.89% 48778 0.37% 1 0.00%
6 10886 2.00% 5443 1.23% 636513 4.76% 9 0.04%
7 10078 1.86% 5041 1.14% 664003 4.97% 1 0.00%
8 8228 1.52% 4114 0.93% 541913 4.06% 2 0.01%
9 5412 1.00% 2706 0.61% 356403 2.67% 2 0.01%
10 5001 0.92% 4989 1.13% 19166 0.14% 3 0.01%
11 4610 0.85% 2305 0.52% 303608 2.27% 1 0.00%
12 4384 0.81% 2192 0.49% 288739 2.16% 1 0.00%
13 4042 0.74% 4042 0.91% 54031 0.40% 2 0.01%
14 3223 0.59% 3211 0.72% 12254 0.09% 3 0.01%
15 3206 0.59% 3203 0.72% 12232 0.09% 1 0.00%
16 3206 0.59% 3203 0.72% 12282 0.09% 1 0.00%
17 3033 0.56% 2882 0.65% 58245 0.44% 251 1.12%
18 2650 0.49% 1325 0.30% 174498 1.31% 1 0.00%
19 2385 0.44% 2382 0.54% 9144 0.07% 1 0.00%
20 2366 0.44% 2358 0.53% 9048 0.07% 2 0.01%
21 2286 0.42% 2119 0.48% 169607 1.27% 257 1.14%
22 2259 0.42% 2256 0.51% 8663 0.06% 1 0.00%
23 2186 0.40% 2183 0.49% 8384 0.06% 1 0.00%
24 2020 0.37% 1010 0.23% 133041 1.00% 1 0.00%
25 1962 0.36% 1954 0.44% 7461 0.06% 2 0.01%
26 1704 0.31% 0 0.00% 944 0.01% 217 0.97%
27 1695 0.31% 1692 0.38% 6508 0.05% 1 0.00%
28 1680 0.31% 0 0.00% 931 0.01% 220 0.98%
29 1607 0.30% 1604 0.36% 6171 0.05% 1 0.00%
30 1554 0.29% 1542 0.35% 6098 0.05% 7 0.03%

Top 10 of 7045 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 215772 39.73% 215772 48.67% 2986777 22.35% 183 0.81%
2 42196 7.77% 25318 5.71% 2613184 19.55% 2 0.01%
3 24620 4.53% 12312 2.78% 1621727 12.14% 50 0.22%
4 10078 1.86% 5041 1.14% 664003 4.97% 1 0.00%
5 10886 2.00% 5443 1.23% 636513 4.76% 9 0.04%
6 8228 1.52% 4114 0.93% 541913 4.06% 2 0.01%
7 5412 1.00% 2706 0.61% 356403 2.67% 2 0.01%
8 4610 0.85% 2305 0.52% 303608 2.27% 1 0.00%
9 4384 0.81% 2192 0.49% 288739 2.16% 1 0.00%
10 2650 0.49% 1325 0.30% 174498 1.31% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 2183 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 62138 11.44% https://vslgaz.ru
2 34910 6.43% https://promusor24.ru/
3 34908 6.43% https://strelafoton.ru/
4 34906 6.43% https://pitonn.ru/
5 34904 6.43% https://x-ton.ru/
6 34902 6.43% https://interbld.ru/
7 34898 6.43% https://evro-dez.ru/
8 31171 5.74% https://haval-auto-ufa1.ru/
9 11010 2.03% https://jaecoo-avtodin.ru/
10 4042 0.74% https://kitehurghada.ru
11 2088 0.38% https://propecia24x77.top
12 1632 0.30% binance.com
13 1628 0.30% https://vetosh-optom.ru
14 1368 0.25% https://propecia365n.top
15 1344 0.25% https://baclofen365n.top
16 1326 0.24% https://canadianrxp.top
17 1298 0.24% https://tadacip365n.top
18 1271 0.23% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
19 1269 0.23% https://apesok.ru/
20 1269 0.23% https://rukorobka.ru/
21 1268 0.23% https://bytovkistart.ru/
22 1267 0.23% https://smm-1.ru/
23 1120 0.21% https://getery.xyz
24 1050 0.19% https://mexicanharmine.online
25 800 0.15% https://seks-dosug.com
26 800 0.15% https://seksvibor.xyz
27 753 0.14% https://bs4shop.top
28 752 0.14% https://bs4shop.top/
29 748 0.14% https://mosbordell.com
30 738 0.14% https://edpillrx.top

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% (author/admin) hades

Top 15 of 132 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 464234 85.48% Mozilla/5.0
2 39041 7.19% WordPress/5.8.10; https://conrad-miller-band.de
3 7056 1.30% GPTBot/1.2
4 6289 1.16% Go-http-client/1.1
5 3872 0.71% Googlebot-Image/1.0
6 2763 0.51% AhrefsBot/7.0
7 2403 0.44% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)
8 2309 0.43% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
9 2222 0.41% MJ12bot/v1.4
10 1594 0.29% Googlebot/2.1
11 1594 0.29% SemrushBot/7~bl
12 1489 0.27% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_361)
13 1271 0.23% FeedBurner/1.0 (http://www.FeedBurner.com)
14 825 0.15% bingbot/2.0
15 576 0.11% ClaudeBot/1.0

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 543096 100.00% 443353 100.00% 13363512 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23